Personal waiter in your pocket.

With WellServed, you can place an order directly from your smartphone. Browse menu, order and pay, without having to wait.

WellServed for Business

One WellServed application, many possibilities.

At work, while travelling or during your leisure, you can have WellServed in your phone always with you and use this application whenever you need it. We are for you in restaurants, trains and hotels.

Check us out today.
Mała Tumska

Jack's Bar




Poznań - Wrocław

Bistro, Bar

Hotel Silesian


Mała Tumska

Mała Tumska


Stadion, Event

WARS Warszawa - Kraków


Hotel, Basen

Czarna Owca


Best Service is in your hands.

Save time

Do you know how much does it averagely take to place an order? About 15 minutes. It takes so much time since bringing the menu until the waiter takes your order. Thanks to WellServed, you can browse the menu earlier and place an order once you enter the premises, even before you will be noticed by the waiter.

You know what you order

Have you ever wondered how foie gras looks like? In WellServed, you will not be surprised by enigmatic names. Photos and expanded description of each item in menu shall help you make the right choice.

Ongoing bill preview

In your shopping cart there is a list of all the products that you have ordered through our application. Thus, you can monitor the status of your bill on a current basis, you know exactly how much you have to pay and you can do it at any time.

Hey, waiter!

Wag, snap your fingers, or wait patiently? Try waiter pager! With WellServed, you do not have to look out for the waiter at the other end of the hall. With builtin pager, you can click to call service, every time when you need it.





Restaurant cars, WARS

Suggest a venue

WellServed is an application created for the convenience of its users. Therefore, we care about your opinion and your choices. If you know the venue, for which you would willingly use WellServed application, please report it and we will try to do everything to fulfil your request.

WellServed for Your Business

Learn how to you can use WellServed application in your business.



WellServed in restaurants is a way to boost guest comfort and customer service. The application allows guests to browse the menu, place orders or attract the attention of the waiter at convenient with their smartphones. It is a personal waiter in your guest pocket.

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WellServed in hotels is ideal for those who appreciate comfort. Our application allows you to place an order to your hotel room, restaurant table or or poolside lounger by only once click. From now on, in a simple and fast way guests can order their favorite dishes via smartphone.

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Thanks to WellServed, passengers no longer need to leave their luggage and look for the restaurant car. It is enough to use their phone with our application and order by entering the compartment and seat number, and the service will deliver the ordered items directly to the seat indicated.

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+48 537 767 537

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